The MId-20s Crisis



Angad was lying in his bed with tears running down his eyes. He stretched his hand and searched for his phone. It was 3 AM, and he could not sleep with many thoughts running through his mind. The room was silent, everyone into a deep sleep, and he couldn't fall asleep. He was in deep thinking about his insecurities and his failures. All past decisions he took during every stage of his life, turned out to be the worst decisions of his life.       


     Every thought was running through his mind he was deep into anxiety and depression. He couldn't share his situation with his close ones, family, and his friends. As considered taboo in his society, no one takes it as big as issues like their physical health. Angad was running out of anxiety and depression and tried a lot to give up but couldn't. He was trying as hard as he could to get out of it. he even tries to give up on his life, and he got into a stage of suicidal tendencies.


             Nowadays a lot of youth, especially teenagers, encounter familiar situations like Angad. And I couldn't resist it. Burdened with a lot of pressure, anxiety, lack of support, and vision. The burden of responsibility, and society's pressure to grow up in a field unwillingly. A respective of what we want and how we are serving through it.



What is the Mid-20s Crisis?


There is a quote that is familiar to our generation:

 "We are the saddest generation with the prettiest smile."


According to the definition of a Mid-20s Crisis or Quarter Life Crisis:


A crisis involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life which we  mostly experienced in a period ranging from a person's early twenties up to their mid-thirties.”



         It is never easy for Angad, and he lacks confidence, which is why he rarely speaks to anyone. Despite his best efforts, he feels stuck in the situation and cannot escape it. Everyone around him seems absorbed in their lives, including his friends, classmates, and relatives. He barely focused on something and had no friends around him. Always tries to escape from responsibilities, family, and society and feels he is the only loser among the alphas. By day, he was running low on everything, sitting alone on his bed scrolls through social media. There is a lot of happiness, everyone has found their purpose in life, have their soulmates, and are doing well in their careers and lives. The social media feeds make him exhausted. 


                    The only mode of his happiness was e-Homies ( his social media friends) although he never met but always spent the happiest moments of his life, used to laugh around them and spend a lot around them, exactly opposite to his real life.  He is 24 now and hasn't done anything in his life that could make him proud at least for sake of himself, and never gets glorified in his parent’s eyes, his friends or his teachers, or society. He always got into trouble because of his past decisions. Everything was running through his mind, he was deeply stuck in his MID 20s CRISIS aka Quarter Life Crisis.


Reading throughout the paragraphs, you might wonder if everyone experiences the phrase Angad going through. This phase of our life is known as Quarter life crisis or Mid-20s Crisis.




Major Causes of the Mid-20s Crisis or Quarter Life Crisis are:

  • The stress of Studies, job, roles, and responsibilities.

  • Unilinwingly doing work, you’re not passionate about.

  • Lack of confidence and self-esteem.

  • Comparing yourself with others.

  • Unable to pass the benchmark set by yourself or someone other.



Some signs of the Mid-20s Crisis are:

  • It generally starts around the early 20 and may stretch to the mid-30s.

  • A phase of transition from teenager to adulthood.

  • According to the surveys, 86% of people experience it during their 20s.

  • Also known as "The Quarter Life Crisis."

  • Occurs instability of life, goals, roles, and relationship.

  • Stressed about money, job insecurity, and pressure to get married.

  • Pressure to choose your life-making decisions about the job, or careers.

  • Pressure to maintain a sustainable relationship.

  • Trapped in a place or situation and unable to make decisions.

  • Feel demotivated, especially the work you enjoy in your earlier phases of life.

  • Working without any will.

  • Loose interest in everything.

  • You think you're wasting your time on meaningless things but are unable to find the purpose of life.

  • Feel lonely but don't want to be with your family and friends.

  • Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety.

  • Always feel exhausted, tired, and stressed, and don't have the energy to do something.

  • Difficult to make decisions.

  • Feel trapped but going through the motion without being fully present in it.

  • Your Self-esteem and self-belief break out to the lowest end.

  • Lack of confidence.

  • Fear of making a change in life even after knowing it could change your life.





How to get out of the Mid-20s Crisis?


       We all go through this phase of life being unconscious about our life, goals, and the sole purpose of life, with lots of thoughts running through our minds. Sometimes we make our life more complicated.

Why me? Why it is happening to me? Will I get out of it? Will I make it, despite all the failures in my life? 

Certain things can help us get out of the Crisis.

 Get time for yourself

In our twenties we all are so busy with our lives, running out and out for our jobs and our studies. Trying to fulfill dreams for us our parents, and getting acceptance by our family, society, and friends circle, we forget about ourselves, and our mental health. Despite all our efforts not being happy with ourselves. Sometimes we just need to take a rest from our regular life. Finding who truly we are? Whenever feels stuck, or feel like a loser Take a step backward and relax and ask yourself. Give some time to yourself.

Why am I doing this? Are all my efforts worth it? Am I happy with myself?

Focus on learning.


The Twenties is all about learning and exploring. Learning from mistakes, taking responsibility for all your actions. In our twenties, we are filled with curiosity and energy to learn anything we want.

  • Learn from your mistakes.

  • Explore new things.

  • Along with the regular formal studies, focus on learning soft skills.

 Stop Comparing with Others

Our unconscious mind consciously thought about the things we don’t have and forget about the blessing we got, resulting in comparing ourselves with others. Comparison with others is the biggest factor in our suffering. Our parents, Society always compare us with others. If someone is doing great, without a second thought decided to go for it. Everybody wants to be an engineer, a doctor, or a teacher, but never know what path should they choose. If someone we easily get influenced by them and change our path. It is good to be influenced but before that, you should know what you are capable of.


."But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." ~ Sir Albert Einstein.

Stop Comparing yourself and go for work you love to do, do what you are passionate about. Remember good things take time.

Engage yourself in different works.

In our 20s, the majority of us lack vision and don’t know what should we do. Feeling stuck in a situation, work-life. Stop saying you are a loser. Everyone is going through the same shit. Explore yourself, take time and engage yourself in a different kind of work, build your network, and surround yourself with people you like to be. By Engaging yourself in different fields you might get what you want, what you love to do, and what you are passionate about.

Take small steps.

Sometimes we just complicate ourselves by thinking about the future, and long-term goals and stop being in the present and enjoying ourselves. Instead of going for the long-term goals, go for short-term goals or simply breaks the long-term goals into different phases and go for one at once.

Cutting a Cord from things that make you feel low.

 We easily engaged with the wrong people, and surround ourselves with toxicity. Especially with the rise of Social media. We spend a lot of time scrolling feed reels, watching them, and comparing them with us. Wasting our time, if feel low around someone you need to cut cords with them. It's better to be alone than be with the toxics.

Set clear vision

  • Set your goals.

  • Learn new Skills

  • Learn from your mistakes.

  • Take Responsibility for your actions.

  • Enjoy the present.

  • Focus on what you are doing.

  • Give your 100%

Thanks for reading, Hope this will help you understand The Mid-20s Crisis.

This is Akram, signing off , Have a great day ahead.


